
What We Offer

Customized Services

Our services are tailored to accomodate the specific clients needs. We beleive that “one size fits none”. The proposed scope of work will fit the clients’ requirements and ultimately achieve the specfic engagement objectives.

Our Expertise, Your Success

  • Our firm has delivered quality professional services to a wide range of clients, including multinational companies operating in various industries such as trading, manufacturing, non-profit, IT, telecom, real estate, and services.

  • We place a strong emphasis on the quality of service. All our engagements are conducted in accordance with relevant professional standards. Quality reviews are an integral part of our methodology, ensuring that our deliverables conform to applicable professional standards and the agreed-upon scope of work.
Delivering Expertise You Can Rely On

Our Services

Internal Audit

Our internal audit professionals take a risk-based approach to internal audit to help clients improve their operations and achieve their business objectives. Engagements will be conducted according to the IIA professional Practice Framework.

Internal Audit Training

  • Risk-based Internal Audit
  • Operational Audit
  • Skills for Internal Auditors
  • Report Writing for Internal Auditors
  • Risk Assessment
  • Control Self Assessment


We will provide you with full accounting services including the recording of transactions, performing reconciliations and producing monthly trial balance and a full set of financial statements.

External Audit

An assurance engagement to provide a high level of assurance that the financial statements are free of material misstatement, such an engagement is conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing. This includes a statutory audit which is an audit required by national legislation or other regulation.

This would include an engagement in accordance with the International Standards on Assurance Engagements issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board

Audits in accordance witth OMB A-133 circular. Also, special audits required by various donors, EU, USAID, CIDA, SIDA…etc. Such audits will be conducted consistents with the specific donor’s requirements.



Our tax services primarily includes the following:

  • Corporate income tax
  • Sales tax
  • Individual income tax
  • Employee withholding tax

Virtual CFO

Our virtual CFO services will be customized to accomodate the specific cleint needs. Such services includes budgeting, cash flow management, enhancment of financial performance, accounting oversight, business plans, strategic analysis. and business models.


This service primarily includes preparing the monthly employee payroll, calculating and paying employee WHT and social security, and acting as a liaison with the Social Security Corporation. It also involves providing employees with annual earnings statements and uploading employee WHT information to the income tax website on a monthly basis.


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